The Hunter's Blade Read online

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  Whoa, she is holding my hand. Wait, what am I thinking about right now? Am I a pervert? No, definitely not. I am about to die; my natural instincts are taking over. All I can think about is the smooth delicate hand grasping mine. This small and fragile hand just punched a werewolf in the face. Maybe she isn’t as fragile as I thought.

  We hurried through the broken main gate and passed the unconscious werewolf. She led us down the street, through occupied family homes, empty parked cars, and lit street lamps dotted here and there as we made our way to the next street and turned right at the intersection.

  Even though Alex traveled this way to Vali’s house several times before it felt like it was miles away. He recalled her place was left down the road at the next intersection, but that was usually as far as she would let him take her.

  “We’re almost there just a little further. How are you holding up?” She was a little ahead of him but slowed down to match his pace.

  “This might be the most I’ve ever exercised; I think I’m finding my second wind.” Alex gasped for air as he gave her a weak smile.

  “It shows.” She playfully nudged him.

  The amount of force she used to nudge him caused him to lose his balance. Vali reacted quickly and grabbed him by the arm before he face-planted the asphalt.

  “I got you. Guess I don’t know my own strength.”

  “Ha, really! It’s not every day you get to see a girl punch the shit out of a werewolf.” Alex tried to sound sarcastic, but he was past fatigued.

  The sound of a car crashing and flipping across the ground alerted them when they reached the next intersection. Alex turned to see the mangled car tumbling through the intersection and crash into a streetlamp. The werewolf appeared on all fours after the car searching left and then to the right where they were standing in the middle of the next intersection.

  “We’re running again, aren’t we?” Alex let out a reluctant sigh.

  Vali nodded and helped hold him up as they ran down the left street. Ahead of them was a couple of streetlamps where the light was out making it extremely dark. Alex was able to see a huge stone wall that was fifteen feet high on the darkened side of the street. A ten-foot wood and iron gate barred entry. They were halfway down the street when the werewolf made it to the intersection and sprinted toward them.

  “We just have to make it into the shadows.” Vali talked more to herself than Alex.

  They ran at full speed to the darkened area. They dove into the shadows. The werewolf leaped after them, but after entering the darkness it was ejected through the other side where it skidded across the asphalt.

  “M’lady, are you injured?” A husky man’s voice spoke out from the shadows. Alex saw a silver-haired man standing with his back facing the werewolf.

  “Yes, I’m fine Warren. So, you’re on guard this evening.” Vali got to her feet. Alex silently followed as he watched the two of them confer back and forth.

  “Yes, M’lady. The Master’s expecting you. I hope you have an explanation for him.” Warren glanced back toward Alex.

  His skin was pale, and Alex could see a red eye pierce him. “Please head inside. We’ll take care of this whelp.” The man turned back to face the werewolf, who was now shaking off the hit and getting ready to jump into the darkness again.

  “Be safe, Warren.” Vali headed to the gate.

  Alex reacted slowly, still in shock from what happened. The werewolf leaped back into the darkness and the man named Warren disappeared and the werewolf was sent flying outside once again.

  “Alex, this way.” Vali held the door of the gate open for them to enter.

  Alex nodded as he followed her inside. The sounds of the fighting faded as she closed the door. On the other side of the gate was something he would have expected. It looked like your everyday upscale community. The houses had perfectly manicured lawns, including pruned flower beds and trimmed trees.

  However, Alex found that wasn’t even the most surprising thing. What flabbergasted him the most was the fact that so many people were out this late at night. They were dressed normally, the men were wearing shirts, jeans, and shoes, and the women were wearing dresses or more comfortable attire for the evening. He noticed that everyone was older, there were no children or teenagers around. They were the only people their age inside this gated area.

  “Vali, where are we?” Alex stared at everyone around them.

  “This is my home, Nightingale Sanctuary. I’ll explain more once we meet with my father. Come. Follow me.” She grabbed Alex by the hand and led him down the street.

  Alex was tense and his palm grew sweaty. He tried to pull from Vali’s grasp, but she only squeezed tighter. They walked down the middle of the road and the residents greeted Vali with bows and salutations.

  “Where are the children and teenagers? Why does it seem like we’re the only young people here?”

  “That’s because we are. I live here with my father because I’m special.”

  “Special. So earlier that man, Warren; he called you Milady. Are you a princess or something?”

  “A princess.” Vali thought about it. “Yeah, I believe that’s what you could call it.” She smiled at the shocked look on Alex’s face.

  Alex regained his composure. “Can you answer me honestly?”

  “Depends on what it is.” She glanced back at him.

  “Was that really a werewolf? Did Malcolm really turn into that… thing?” Alex knew the answer, but he wanted to hear the words from someone else.

  “Yes,” Vali answered simply as she continued to walk down the road.

  They headed toward a house that sat off from the rest of the neighborhood. The closest house was a hundred yards away. The only difference between this house and the rest of the houses on the block was that the lights were off.

  “Is that your house? The one with the lights off.” Alex gestured toward it.

  “Yeah, my father must be angry at me.”

  “He turns the lights off when he’s angry?” Alex’s brow wrinkled as he looked confused.

  “Yeah. It makes him feel that it adds to the drama and suspense, but he’s just a big softy for his daughter.” Vali pulled Alex along as she approached the house.

  They walked up the pathway to the red front door. Vali grabbed the handle to the screen and opened it. Alex jumped back abruptly as the screen screeched open.

  Why do I feel like I’m about to enter a haunted house?

  Vali grabbed the door knob and turned back toward Alex before she opened it. He looked at her, waiting for what she was about to say.

  “I never thought this would be how you’d meet my father. It’s not the ideal first impression—but do your best okay.” Vali smiled softly before she opened the door and walked inside the darkened house.

  Chapter Three

  The interior of the house was pitch black. Only the light from the nearby streetlamps and the soft glow of the crescent moon shone in proving enough light to make out some of the interior. Stairs along the right wall led up to the second floor, the hallway in front leads to the kitchen and dining area. Off to the left was a family or living room. Alex could make out a couch and loveseat on opposite sides of each other with a glass coffee table separating them. He scanned around as a cold chill ran up his spine, like the one he felt when he first met Vali.

  “What have you done, Validina? All we’ve done is for naught.” A cold chilling voice shouted from every direction at once.

  “Father! I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused, but it wasn’t for naught. I’ve found him, their son, we still have a chance,” Vali pleaded with the darkness surrounding them.

  “Eleanor and Take’s son—what proof do you have, daughter?” The voice grew light-hearted and a little unsteady.

  “He has the pendant you gave them, and I’ve smelled his blood, it was most horrifying, there is no doubt he is one of them.”

  “Hey, can we not talk about me as if I wasn’t standing here, dumbfounded?” Alex b
lurted out trying to include himself in the conversation they were clearly having about him.

  “Very well. Validina, I shall assess the young man myself.”

  The house filled with the sound of hundreds of bats screeching and wings flapping. The bats swooped in from every direction. Alex ducked and covered himself as he tried to shield his face. He peeked out into the hallway where the bats migrated to.

  The form of a person started to merge from the feet up as the bats merged. He wore a pair of high-quality shoes and a business suit that a skilled lawyer would wear. He had a bright blood red tie, with the same color handkerchief in the right breast pocket of his jacket. The jacket, vest, pants, and shoes were dark black. A dark black that absorbed the surrounding light around him. The red tie stood out more against the silky pure white shirt. His skin was pale white, it shone like his daughter’s. His face was handsome, a little too much so. He had a black goatee with a white strip running down the center. As the last bat enveloped itself into him, his eyes, a bright red, changed to a soft light brown color.

  “I haven’t properly introduced myself yet. I am Vladimir Dracula.” His accent appeared out of place. He bowed, like an old-fashioned Englishman, but his gaze never wavered from Alex.

  “Dracula, you mean like the vampire?” Alex hesitated to ask.

  “Yes and no. The fantasies that you humans make of me are a little, what’s the word, farfetched. But alas, I’m the myth, the legend that keeps young maidens aroused at night, ever searching the shadows for my gaze.” Vladimir smirked as he stood upright.

  “Father, seriously, you need to stop reading those books.” Vali’s disappointment showed on her face.

  “I thought that’s what girls your age were into nowadays. I mean Twilight was a huge success in the theaters.”

  My first impression of him—was scary but now, how he acts in front of Vali, he seems more like an over-protective, doting father.

  “Umm, I don’t mean to interrupt, but weren’t we discussing something, like that fact that you know who I am and my birth parents.” Alex was determined to find out what they knew.

  “You seem to be misunderstanding something here, boy, there’s nothing to discuss.” Vladimir appeared in front of Alex. “Now show me the pendant.”

  Alex reached for the chain underneath his shirt. The pendant flopped out and laid on his chest. Vladimir lowered his head and eyed the pendant. After a moment he stood upright and clapped his hands together, the lights in the house flickered on. He vanished and appeared in the family room seated.

  “Come. Take a seat and I’ll tell you who you are.” Vladimir gestured to the seat opposite him.

  Vali looked back at Alex and gave him a reassuring smile before she headed into the room and took the seat next to her father. Alex swallowed hard and gathered up his courage before he strolled into the room and sat down.

  “Now, before we begin. Warren, come out and give me your report.” Vladimir’s tone changed to that with authority.

  In the entryway to the family room, Warren appeared kneeling and holding a severed werewolf’s arm in his hand. He held it as if to offer it to Vladimir.

  “Master, the beast escaped. I apologize for not finishing it off, but I was able to take its arm.” Warren kept his head lowered and placed the arm in front of him on the floor. After a moment, the arm convulsed and morphed back into Malcolm’s human arm.

  “I see. It seems Dr. Frankenstein still hasn’t perfected his serum. You did well protecting my daughter and this community tonight. You can hold your head high knowing this fact.” Vladimir closed his eyes pinching the bridge of his nose.

  “Thank you, Master. I’m glad to be of service and to know that the princess is safe once again.”

  Alex glanced at Warren. Time slowed as they locked eyes; he felt his sharp gaze pierce his very being. Warren had pasty gray skin and a young face with medium length silver hair that covered his forehead and ears. He wore a suit like a bodyguard would wear though it was covered in blood. Before Alex could react, time returned to normal and he found Warren gone as he stared at an empty hallway.

  “Alex…Alex! Hey, are you listening to us?” Vali snapped her fingers to get his attention.

  “Yeah, sorry. I drift off sometimes.” Alex shook his head to regain his senses.

  “I know the reason for that, but before we get it, I must ask you your name, boy.” Vladimir's eyes were open and staring dead at Alex.

  “My name’s Alexander Johnson.” His voice was unsteady from before.

  “That’s half correct. Your name is indeed Alexander but not Johnson. Your real name is Alexander Van Helsing-Maximillian. You’re the sole survivor of the clans Van Helsing and Maximillian.”

  “Van Helsing-Maximillian!? Wait, you mean that Van Helsing, the man that goes around destroying creatures of the night? Isn’t that just a fairy tale?”

  “Every tale you’ve heard has some grain of truth in it and it’s not just one man, but an entire family line devoted to keeping humans safe from the creatures of darkness. They were bestowed powers by a god that allowed them to fight the darkness. The power given to the Van Helsing line, Quick Eye, allows the person to perceive light even in darkness. When you’ve found yourself in great peril, during those moments, time has felt like it stopped, has it not?”

  “Yes, it’s happened on more than one occasion lately, but not all the time has it happened when I’m in danger,” Alex recalled his encounter when he first met Vali.

  “I see. Even without the ritual, the power is strong within you. Eleanor and Take would be proud of that fact alone.” Vladimir’s voice was solemn as he spoke of Alexander’s parents.

  “Ritual? What ritual?”

  “We will leave that for later. First, I must finish telling you about yourself. Along with the Quick Eye, the Van Helsings were gifted with a natural reflex that allowed them to use the Quick Eye in such a way that they could dodge attacks even by a vampire. Now the Maximillian’s came around later, Their power was bestowed by a different god, giving them superhuman strength. The Van Helsings and Maximillians were known as “Hunters”. They clashed for a long period of time, but it wasn’t until the mid-1800s that they came together for one common enemy.” Vladimir visibly shivered when he finished speaking.

  “Dr. Frankenstein?” Alex guessed.

  “Yes. He believed that his intellect was something the world would truly need in the future. He was obsessed with finding a way to preserve his mind-”

  “Wait! We’re talking about the same man, right, the one that created Frankenstein’s monster? You’re talking about him—as if he’s still alive.”

  “That’s because he is. The creature you have heard of in folklore was just a prototype. A means to an end. He’s perfected his research. He has created a body that allows him to transfer his mind into, a body that wasn’t capable of aging at a normal rate, and he believed it would allow him to live forever.”

  “Okay. But what does this have to do with vampires?”

  “Frankenstein’s research wasn’t complete. The body still deteriorates with time and needs constant maintenance. Because of this, he wasn’t satisfied with just preserving his mind. Now he wants to find the perfect body. Vampires can live a long time and our bodies don’t age; they don’t wear away with time. He’s after us because he’s trying to find the perfect body.” Vladimir looked over at Vali. Vali kept her head down the entire time her father talked about Dr. Frankenstein.

  “Wait, are you saying he wants Vali’s body?”

  “Validina is special. She isn’t a vampire—but with the correct trigger, she can become one. Her mother was human and gave birth to her, as a human. Validina has a quarter of our abilities--speed, strength, regeneration, sight, sound, and even the bloodlust are within her. But she is immune to all our vulnerabilities.”

  “Like silver, holy water, garlic, and a wooden stake?”

  “Sunlight or ultraviolet rays. But holy water and garlic are myths that humans made up�
��they do not affect us.” Vladimir spat the distaste off his lips.

  “Do you know what the trigger is that would turn her into a vampire?”

  “She must drink human blood. She has the urges just as we true vampires do. The blood lust is less prominent in her and she’s able to fight it. When it triggers, it makes the target paralyzed, like a sudden chill freezes them in place.”

  So that explains what happened back then and when I met her father and Warren.

  “There’s one thing I don’t quite understand. Why are you here? I mean in this community, why are you gathering yourselves like this if Dr. Frankenstein is looking for you?”

  “Like I said earlier the Van Helsings and Maximillians had a new enemy and like the old saying goes ‘today’s enemy is tomorrow’s ally’. I went to the heads of each clan and asked them to protect us. With the Accord in place, we agreed not to attack humans while under protection, and we would aid in the fight against Dr. Frankenstein.”

  “If you stopped attacking humans then what do you do for food, don’t you need human blood to survive?”

  “Technology’s different now than it was before, we can live off synthetic blood. Before the clan members would donate their blood for us and we had to survive on so little. This was a means to keep us weak and, in their control, only those that went to fight were able to drink their fill, they needed the strength.”

  “Okay I can understand that, but didn’t you just say I was the sole survivor. If that’s true then why continue to live like this, why not just go back into hiding instead of living out in the open like this?”

  “We abide by the Accord’s rules. I still have my morals and values even after all the atrocities I’ve brought. I’ve done things in my lifetime that I’m not proud of. But the day I made the agreement with the Van Helsings and Maximillians to protect us was the day I decided to live anew. Even they decided to change and took on a new role: ‘Guardians’.”

  “Guardians!” So, they stopped being ‘Hunters’?”